Thursday, April 11, 2013

People: Family

“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”
-Mother Teresa

Dear Lord, thank you for my children. I've learned more about life through raising them than ever they learned from me.

The last in the series of People highlight some photos taken of my kids.

 This is at my daughter Anna's wedding where she's getting her hair styled by sister Sarah. This is the photo right out of the camera. Below is the same photo after processing in Photoshop.

Processed in Photoshop to mimic the look and feel of the Renaissance Great Masters such as Rembrandt and Titian. There is much more dark space in the rendered photo, plus the contrast and saturation were goosed.

Below are two before and after photos taken on Father's Day, 2011.

The kids came over to celebrate. Sarah (in the middle), of course, decided we should do some fun shots. Always the instigator that girl, she had us do a series of "model shoots". Eric is on the left and Anna is to the right. This is the plain vanilla photo. 

After. Dubbed "Blue Steel", from Ben Stiller's trademark model look in the movie, "Zoolander". I cut out the kids and pasted in the clouds as the background. I don't much care for the overly tanned look of the skin, but Sarah insisted she likes the look. Sigh.

Princess and the Frog

POOF! Her prince has arrived. This is Caitlin, Eric's girlfriend at the time. Caitlin is now happily married to her handsome prince, overly tanned Photoshopped skin and all.

This ends People. The next post will feature the Pt. Loma lighthouse in San Diego.

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