Friday, April 5, 2013

People: Along the Harbor and Down by the Beach

“Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.”
– Bruno Barbey

Wow, did I catch a bunch of flack regarding the last post!!! It was just in fun. After all, I did include myself in it, and it's not the way we normally look. My dears, there is indeed a difference between fantasy, surrealism, and distortion vs. reality. One prime example of reality vs. fantasy and distortion is our politicians.

Does one really believe they look like the person staring back at them when staring into a glass Christmas ornament? Me thinks not! I'm sorry if I offended anyone for taking such artistic license, but I still like them and even treasure them, for they are photos of friends I've become fond of.

So, next time I'm around and have a fisheye lens attached to the end of a camera... BEWARE!

The Reader. I found this gentleman sitting beside the promenade along the San Diego harbor. He was so engrossed in his Tom Clancy novel that he didn't notice me circling around his table taking numerous photos of him with my fairly large 70-200mm. piece of glass attached to the end of a camera.

Sashay. I was sitting on the edge of the boardwalk in Laguna Beach one sunny summer afternoon wishing to capture people-oriented photographs. I saw this sweet little girl standing with her bucket and shovel, contemplating where on the beach she should fill her bucket with sand. After a moment's reflection, she decided to head on down to the water's edge.

As she proceeded to her spot, she sashayed, mind you, not walked. I instantly fell in love with her. Be still my beating heart! I raised two girls of my own, and there is nothing like the sweet and playful natural coquettishness and femininity a little girl exhibits around her daddy. For those who insist that the only difference between a male and a female is the plumbing, need to optimize their powers of cognizance and observation!

As for my son, he would run up to me with his little co-ninja friend Luis, yell out "Ching-chong!" kick me in the shins, and then run away. Never could catch those little %#*@!$, 'cuz by the time I finished rubbing out my shin, they were long gone.

Feeding Frenzy. There go I, but for the grace of God.

Spike!. Also shot along the boardwalk in Laguna Beach. Took quite a few shots of this athlete before getting one that was acceptable to me.

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