Friday, January 18, 2013

For the Birds: Take Three

La Jolla Cave Point in La Jolla, California, is famous for the mating colors displayed by the California race of the male brown pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis.

From roughly December through February, the normally drab male of this species dons bright apparel in order to attract potential mates. The neck and top of the head sprout black, fuzzy feathers, while the pouch turns shades of red and green. The pouch colors can be rather intense, especially in strong light.

These birds tend to roost and congregate at the tip of the point in fair numbers and can be seen leaving the roost to forage and return throughout the day. There is an observation deck at the point where one can watch them from an elevated view.

In order to help attract a mate, the male will perform a ritual known as "head throwing". He will stretch out his neck, lift his head up high and open his beak for several seconds in order to dazzle any prospective females. He will continue to do this throughout the day during mating season. This pelican is in the company of several Brandt's cormorant, Phalacrocorax penicillatus.

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